Your success is our legacy.

Together, we curate your portfolio to help achieve your individual goals.


Exclusive investment opportunities, tailored to you.

At Reicon Wealth, we specialize in investment management. We endeavor to support your best interests and individual goals with a comprehensive and custom approach to asset allocation and portfolio management.


Sophisticated investment management.

We allocate your assets among unique and advantageous investment opportunities suited to your needs.


Public Equity

Options Strategies

Private Equity

Private Credit

Fixed Income

Real Estate


Learn more about what we do.

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Together, we curate your portfolio to achieve your individual goals.


Define your investment objectives

We’ll have a conversation to learn about you, your goals, and to determine your:

Cash flow needs
Risk tolerance
Return objectives

Construct your portfolio

When we invest your assets, we take into consideration:

Return expectations
Tax efficiency

Adjust for risk

We regularly monitor and adjust your investments:

Active re-balance
Options strategies
Custody arrangement with established partners


We are proud to offer a comprehensive and seamless experience for our clients.

We help coordinate ancillary services with trusted partners so you can have everything you need in one place. 



Tax Services

Estate Planning


Bill Pay

Aviation Management